How And Why Should You Use Google Ads For Video


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Why Should You Use Google Ads For Video

Google Ads launched in 2000, just two years after the search engine got launched. It works as a pay-per-click (PPC) marketing strategy as part of paid search advertising targeting digital customers. In 2018, the platform was remarketed as Google Ads.

While the Google market runs extensively with potential leads, its popularity makes it a competitive surrounding. Viewers are more likely to click on a paid search ad on Google than on any other search engine.  And, costs for keywords are improving, making these campaigns progressively costly. This change has led to questions like, “what can I do to avoid overusing and still meet the demands of an overloaded market?”

Google Ads may overwhelm business owners making their mark, but there are avenues yet to be defeated. Video is a perfect example of an untapped resource with lots of potential for growth.

Let’s take focus on the ways Google Ads feature in videos and how to make them work for you.

Understanding Google Ads for Video

The most frequently used YouTube video ads are called TrueView ads, and they come in three forms.

  1. In-Stream: As the title suggests, an in-stream ad is one that plays all around a YouTube video stream. The video host, also known as a YouTube partner, agrees to have ads play in exchange for monetary compensation. They generally appear at the beginning, middle, or end of the stream. In-stream ads are beneficial because they allow the viewer to skip the ad after five seconds and return to their video. Unlike other types of PPC content, these ads don’t charge you unless a viewer watches your ad for 30 seconds or more. 
  2. In-Search: Unlike in-stream content, in-search ads are connected to keywords. When a YouTube user searches for your keyword, your ad emerges in the results window. If the ad video is clicked, you’re imposed for it. This procedure lacks the safety net of the five-second skip rule but has merits of its own. For example, your ad is more likely to hold out its target audience if it’s delivered by a search term.
  3. In-Display (now called Video discovery ads): Finally, in-display ads are those which emerge in the sidebar or search results. They’re marked with an “ad” indicator. Once clicked, you’re charged for the ad. These ads are extremely accurate, guaranteeing the viewer wants to see your content. Unlike other ad formats which self-populate, the viewer selects this ad of their own accord.

A fourth option used to be available and it provided the viewer the choice of three ads to watch during a video of 10 or more minutes. That format has been retired in approval of the alternative TrueView styles.

                 Connecting Your Ads to Video

                 Before you begin with the complexities of linking ads to streaming video, you need a Google and YouTube account. Once you’ve put those up, create your Google Ads account. Now, you’re ready to get joined and start your campaign with these easy steps:

                 Link Accounts

From your Google Ads page, select the setup option, and begin to link your accounts. YouTube should be one of the choices listed in the account panel. If you have different YouTube channels, you can choose the ones relevant to your ad.

Create and Specify Campaign Conditions

From the Ads, the panel selects “campaigns,” “ad campaign,” and then “video.” The tool will prompt you to identify whether you want to increase brand awareness or brand consideration with your video.

After a campaign is selected, give it a title, and decide how much you’ll spend daily. Campaign conditions you’re required to identify are:

  • The launch and close date
  • The language and countries to stream in
  • Even if the video is in-search, in-stream, or in-display
  • Your bidding strategy – find out 7 methods to boost your bids
  • A schedule of appearance

One advantage of this ad plan is that it targets your viewers by demographics and interests. This breakdown emerges under the “people” tab and lets you zero in on your target purchaser through:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Family-size
  • Income
  • Life event celebrations
  • Interests or affinity
  • Past interactions
  • Similar interests
  • Habits

With your audience chosen, you can now choose placement by clicking websites or YouTube channels you want your ad to run through. You may also choose keywords and categories which match your target audience.

Run and Monitor Your Ad

With the ad creation process complete, all that’s left to do is publish and continue. Ad metrics reports will show you how your ad is succeeding and where it needs to be enhanced.

5 Tips for Successful Video Google Ads

Now that you know how Google ads and YouTube work together, here are five points for a successful campaign:

1. Make an Ad People Wants to See

Rather than designing an ad your customers don’t mind pausing a video for, design an ad they want to observe from start to finish. Contemplate your target viewers and the videos they’re attracted to. The key to a successful video ad is making your viewers forget it’s an ad.

A distinctive way to exhibit a brand and lessen its’s appearance as an ad is by turning it into something coordinative. For example, if you were a shoe company launching a newly designed sneaker, you might be enticed to create a commercial-style ad. 

This example from Amazon’s Alexa featuring Michael B. Jordan uses humor to draw a watcher in and makes you forget it’s actually an ad.

2. Show Real Consumer Opinions

Nine out of ten customers read reviews before buying a product or service. It becomes second nature to see what others are saying before making an effort of something for ourselves. As a buyer, you can gain profit from this fact by including real customer opinions in your video ad.

An example of this is the Hello Fresh video campaign ‘TV Spot’, which shows the Glicken family cooking together to spend time as a family and getting dinner ready in just 30 minutes.

This marketing style is relatable and calls up an emotional response – two things that equal success in an advertisement.

 ​​​​​​​3. Keep It Short and Sweet

This is a very useful tip for ads running in the middle of another video. You’re taking the customer’s attention off the original link they clicked on. Keeping your content short and sweet upgrades the chances that a viewer will let it run to completion. The duration varies for different ads but as a guide, you should try and keep your ads between 12 and 20 seconds long for skippable TrueView ads.

​​​​​​​4. Research Before You Write

Understanding what your target demographic wants to see is important to creating a successful video ad campaign. Research which ads on YouTube are doing well within your industry and what types of videos they mark in.

You can also ask your viewers outright what kind of ads they’d like to see and where.

5.Draw Inspiration from Past Content

You’ve done your research; you know your audience. You probably have a great deal of content already posted to blogs and social media feeds to prove it. Rather than trying to create brand-new ads from scratch, draw on the creativity of past content.

Repurposing your social media content to form something new as a video is a brilliant way to give your viewers something you already know was a hit.

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